A.   Running At Large: It shall be unlawful and an offense for the owner of any animal, domestic or wild (including dogs), to permit the same to run at large or trespass upon the premises of another person, or be unlawfully at large at any time within the corporate limits of the city.
   B.   Pen Or Leash Required: It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person to:
      1.   Keep, own, harbor or possess any dog within the corporate limits of the city without providing a substantial and secure pen in which said dog shall be confined (which pen shall be sufficient in size so that no sanitation or health problem shall be involved); or
      2.   Allow a dog to be placed under the control of, and on an adequately sized leash so that it can reach or bite any person who may be using the public thoroughfares of the city, so the dog can reach beyond the limits of the lot or premises upon which said dog is kept and confined, or so the dog may reach any person who may be rendering necessary services to the house of such owner, upon the premises where said dog may be kept, harbored or possessed; or
      3.   Allow a dog, cat or any animal, domestic or wild, to be placed under the control of a leash, chain, cable, or any other type of tether as the primary mode of containment. (Ord. 404, 5-28-2013)