Before a new water service is provided by the city, a water service fee shall be paid to the Water Department as follows:
   (A)   For each new three-quarter-inch water service, including tapping the main, furnishing and installing the corporation cock and meter, and furnishing the curb stop and service box, $250; except that, if there is an existing tap to which no previous service has been connected and all appurtenances are in place, and the applicant shall comply with all provisions of this chapter, then the charge for permitting each three-quarter-inch connection and furnishing and installing a meter shall be $200. An applicant desiring to make his or her own tap and furnishing the appurtenances listed in this division (A), except the meter, shall be charged $200;
   (B)   Where land has been platted in accordance with Ch. 154 of this code of ordinances and the developer has installed water mains in accordance with the plan, the charge for items outlined in division (A) above, shall be $100, or if all items, except the meter, are furnished by the applicant, the charge shall be $50; and
   (C)   Charge for taps larger than three-quarter-inch shall be established after consideration of the particular case by the Superintendent.
(Prior Code, § 51.017)