§ 38.61 LIABILITY.
   Notwithstanding any other provision or rule of law, the following persons shall be jointly, or jointly and severally liable for all costs of emergency response services as set forth in this subchapter:
   (A)   The owner of the property on which emergency response services are provided or occur;
   (B)   The owner of a vehicle at which emergency response services are provided or occur;
   (C)   Any person involved in any activity which caused or contributed to the causation of the emergency, including, but not limited to, any person filing a false report resulting in dispatch of emergency response services;
   (D)   In cases involving the rescue or recovery of an individual, the individual and his or her employer if the person was in the city in furtherance of the employer's interests;
   (E)   In cases involving the rescue or recovery of property, the owner of the property and anyone who had custody or control of the property at the time of the emergency; and
   (F)   Any person requiring emergency response services in conjunction with an ambulance.
(Ord. 13-O-2064, passed 8-21-2013)