In case of the want of a quorum at any time and in case a majority of the members present shall direct the Mayor, or presiding officer, to do so, he or she shall direct any police officer of the city to arrest and bring in any and all absent members, including the Mayor if he or she is absent, that can be found in the city who are not unable through sickness to attend. Any member, or the Mayor if he or she is absent, who purposely absents himself from the city to avoid attending a meeting of the City Council, or, being in the city, conceals himself or herself from such officer, or refuses to be brought in when found, is deemed guilty of non-feasance in office and the Council may, with the concurrence of two-thirds of all members, expel such member, including the Mayor if such be the case; in which case, his or her seat shall become vacant and shall be filled by an election as in other cases of vacancy.
(Prior Code, § 30.08)