§ 116.010 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   GENERAL BROKER. Any person who negotiates, buys, sells, trades, leases or handles for another, on a commission basis, or on the basis of compensation in proportion to the amount of the transaction, any moneys, stocks, bonds, mortgagee, loans, investments, securities, certificates of indebtedness, foreign exchange, letters of credit, steamship transportation tickets, grain, produce, provisions, livestock, goods, ware, merchandise or any other commodity, article or property (except real property) whether like or unlike those named in this section, or acts through the medium of another licensed broker, in the capacity and for any of the purposes in this section.
   INSURANCE BROKER. Any person engaged for others in negotiating contracts for insurance of any kind or nature, either directly or through any insurance agent, or with any insurance company other than an insurance company of which such person shall be an employee.
   REAL ESTATE BROKER. Any person, association, copartnership or corporation, who for a consideration sells or offers for sale or exchange of real estate, or who leases, or offers to lease, or rents or offers to rent, any real estate, or negotiates leases thereof, or of the improvements therein for another or others; or who employs any person as a real estate sale agent to perform any of the above acts.
(Ord. 24-O-2388, passed 5-15-2024)