(A)   The members chosen from the active and retired firefighters shall be elected by ballot at elections to be held on the third Monday in April of the applicable years under the Australian ballot system, at such place or places, in the municipality, and under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Pension Board.
   (B)   No person shall cast more than one vote for each candidate from whom he or she is eligible to vote. In the elections for Board members to be chosen from the active firefighters, all active firefighters and no others may vote. In the elections for Board members to be chosen from retired firefighters, the retired firefighters and no others may vote.
   (C)   Each member of the Board so elected shall hold office for a term of three years and until his or her successor has been duly elected and qualified.
   (D)   The Board shall canvass the ballots and declare which persons have been elected and for what term or terms respectively. In the case of a tie vote between two more candidates, the Board shall determine by lot which candidate or candidates have been elected and for what term or terms respectively. In the event of the failure, resignation or inability to act of any Board member, a successor shall be elected for the unexpired term at a special election called by the Board and conducted in the same manner as a regular election.
   (E)   The Board shall elect annually from its members a President and Secretary.
   (F)   Board members shall not receive or have any right to receive any salary from a pension fund for services performed as Board members.
(Prior Code, § 34.57) (Ord. 87-O-1261, passed 2-4-1987)