(A)   It is unlawful for any person, either directly or indirectly, to conduct any business or non-profit enterprise, or to use in connection therewith any premises, machine or device, in whole or in part, without a license or permit therefor being first procured and kept in effect at all times as required by this title or other law or ordinance of the city.
      (1)   For the purpose of this title, any person is deemed to be in business or engaging in non-profit enterprise, and thus subject to the requirements of this section and division (A) above, when he or she does one act of the following:
         (a)   Selling or providing any goods or service;
         (b)   Soliciting business or offering goods or services for sale or hire;
         (c)   Acquiring or using any premises in the city for business purposes, including storage of business related items;
         (d)   Holding oneself forth as being engaged in a business or service;
         (e)   Soliciting patronage, actively or passively, for a business or service;
         (f)   Performing or attempting to perform any part of a business or service in the city;
         (g)   The holding of a garage or yard sale of used personal property; or
         (h)   Renting parking spaces or storage spaces.
      (2)   A license shall be obtained in the manner prescribed in this title for each branch establishment or location of the business engaged in, as if each such branch establishment or location were a separate business.
   (B)   Whenever in this code a license is required for the maintenance, operation or conduct of any business or establishment, or for doing business or engaging in any activity or occupation, any person or corporation shall be subject to the requirement if by himself or herself or through an agent, employee or partner, he or she holds himself or herself forth as being engaged in the business or occupation; or solicits patronage therefor, activity or passively; or performs or attempts to perform any part of such business or occupation in the city.
   (C)   The city recognizes the evolving nature of businesses and where a business may qualify under one or more categories, the Director of Building and Housing, in his or her sole discretion, shall determine the category or categories of licensure the business shall require.
(Prior Code, § 110.15) (Ord. 67-O-673, passed - -1967; Ord. 92-O-1432, passed 3-18-1992; Ord. 97-O-1615, passed 9-3-1997; Ord. 24-O-2388, passed 5-15-2024) Penalty, see § 110.99