(A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      ALARM SYSTEM. Any automatic, manual or electronic system which generates a telephonic or electronic call to the Fire Department for the dispatch of equipment and personnel to a particular location.
      FALSE ALARM. The giving of an automatic telephone or electronic signal to the Fire Department that services are needed at a particular location together with a response by the Fire Department involving the dispatch of fire equipment and personnel where there was no fire or life threatening situation.
      INSPECTION AND TESTING FOR MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Inspection and testing of premises and/or equipment by the Fire Department based on a request by the owner or lessee of the premises or equipment.
      INSPECTION FOR PAST DUE VIOLATIONS. Those inspections called for in order to determine compliance with the Fire Prevention Code where a citation has previously been issued for a violation of that code.
      OPENING INSPECTION. That inspection called for based upon an application for the issuance of a business license by the city.
   (B)   Assessment of fees. The person, firm or corporation against whom the fee is to be assessed shall be notified, in writing, within 30 days of the date of rendering of the service in question of the amount of fees due and a demand for payment within 30 days. This notification shall be mailed to the owner or lessee at the address to which the Fire Department equipment and personnel responded.
   (C)   Delinquent fees. All fees assessed shall become delinquent in the event the fee is not paid within 30 days of the date of mailing of the notification to the address as indicated above. Fees not paid within 30 days of notification will be assessed a penalty of 50% as so much additional charge for non-payment.
   (D)   Collection of delinquent fees. The city is hereby authorized to take whatever action necessary to collect delinquent fees and penalties including, but not limited to, reference to a collection agency or the institution of legal action. The owner and/or lessee of the premises in question shall be liable, as an additional charge, for such reasonable attorneys fees and cost of collection as the court may assess.
   (E)   Fees and charges. There shall be charged to all persons, firms, corporations or such other entities as shall request and received services from the Fire Department of the city a fee for such services as set forth below:
Service Provided
Service Provided
Fire Department plan review
$1 per square foot
Fire investigations with insurance companies
$125 per hour
For providing copies of fire, ambulance and miscellaneous reports
   For current and 2 years past
   Past 2 through 4 years
   Fifth year and past
Initial fire inspection for business license issuance
Inspection and testing for miscellaneous items
$40 per hour
Inspection for past due violations
Morgue runs to County Medical Examiners Office
$150 flat rate
Public programs: CPR classes; fire extinguisher training; fire brigade training; and other miscellaneous training
At the established local college rate
Response to false alarm from business and public building alarm system
Response to false alarm from residential alarm systems
Stand by for fire watch and rescue
$125 per hour
Third time resident ambulance charging
   Basic service
   Intermediate service
(Prior Code, § 34.10) (Ord. 92-O-1421, passed 1-8-1992; Ord. 92-O-1423, passed 2-5-1992; Ord. 04-O-1792, passed 3-17-2004)