Sec. 11-6. Begging in public places prohibited.
   No person shall beg, panhandle, solicit alms or conduct any type of performance for donations in any public street, alley, right-of-way or sidewalk in the city or on any property owned or leased by the city. This section shall not apply to performances conducted in conjunction with city-sponsored or approved events on public streets or sidewalks or on property owned or leased by the city. The permission of the event organizer is required for performances conducted in conjunction with city sponsored or approved events on public streets or sidewalks or on property owned or leased by the city.
(Code 1982, 8-1013; Ord. No. O-09-08-18-3, 2, 8-18-09)
   State Law References: Authority of city to regulate begging, G.S. 160A-179.