Sec. 9-127. Notice to remove visual obstruction; remedy for noncompliance.
   If any person violates the provisions of this article, it shall be the duty of the building inspector or his or her designee to give notice to the owner, or to any person in possession and occupying said premises, directing that within ten (10) days or sooner from the time of such notice, all plant growth or fence or other visual obstruction shall be pruned, trimmed, shortened or removed from the designated area. If such owner or occupant fails or refuses to take such corrective action so as to come into compliance with this article, the building inspector shall promptly take such corrective action as is necessary to remove the visual obstruction, and all costs and charges shall be charged against the premises. If such costs and charges are not paid within thirty (30) days, they shall become a lien against said property and shall be collected in the manner provided for the collection of delinquent taxes.
(Ord. No. O-06-03-07-5, 2, 3-7-06)