Sec. 6-1.1. Generally.
   A.   Purpose. In order to assure proper and uniform development of public and private property in the City of Marion, to relieve traffic congestion, and to minimize any detrimental effects of off-street parking areas on adjacent properties, the procedures and standards set forth herein shall apply. Off-street automobile storage or parking space shall be provided on every lot on which any of the following uses are hereafter established. The number of parking spaces provided shall be at least as great as the number specified below for the various uses.
   B.   Permit.
      1.   Permit required. All permanent off-street parking shall require a permit from the planning and development director prior to the creation, alteration, enlargement, establishment or change of use of a structure or outdoor use of land occurs, and prior to any development, redevelopment, reconfiguration, or expansion of a new or existing parking area not part of a larger building or use activity.
      2.   Permit not required. Regular maintenance and restriping that does not change the number or configuration of parking spaces or increase the parking area shall not require a permit.
      3.   Application for permit. An application for permit shall be submitted, reviewed and approved by the planning and development director prior to any activity required under the permit and shall contain adequate information to determine compliance with this division and all other applicable sections of the City Code.
      4.   Off-street parking plan. An off-street parking plan shall be submitted with a permit application pursuant to Sec. 3-4.3 and shall show the design and dimensions for the off-street parking area that conform to the standards in this division and all other applicable sections of the City Code.
      5.   General requirements.
         a.   Parking space requirements for uses not specifically listed herein shall be determined by the planning and development director based upon the requirements for comparable uses and upon the particular characteristics of the use.
         b.   Fractional space requirements shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
         c.   For properties containing more than one (1) use, the number of required parking spaces is the cumulative number of spaces for all uses with the exception of approved shared parking.
         d.   All required off-street parking spaces shall be located on the same lot as the principal structure or use or on a contiguous lot which has the same zoning classification and is under the same ownership. The planning and development director may authorize an alternative satellite parking location provided that the required parking spaces are located within five hundred (500) feet of the building entrance of the principal structure or use, are located in a zoning district that permits the principal use and provided that ownership arrangements are made so as to assure the permanent availability of such spaces to the satisfaction of the planning and development director.
         e.   Required off-street parking spaces may be provided cooperatively for two (2) or more uses, subject to arrangements that will assure the permanent availability of such spaces to the satisfaction of the planning and development director. The number of such combined parking spaces shall equal the sum of the parking spaces required for the separate uses. However, the planning and development director may reduce the total number of parking spaces required if it is determined that some or all of the spaces may serve two (2) or more uses by reason of the daily hours of operation or seasonal activity of such uses.
         f.   No open area in an off-street parking area shall be encroached upon by buildings, storage, or any other uses; nor shall the number of parking spaces be reduced except after the submission of proof to the planning and development director that, by reason of reduction in floor area, seating capacity, number of employees, or change in other factors controlling the regulation of the number of off-street parking spaces, the proposed reduction is reasonable and consistent with the intent of this chapter.
         g.   No parking space shall be utilized for storage, repair work, or other similar activity.
         h.   Off-street parking shall not be required within the C-1 central business district; however, all off-street parking provided within the C-1 central business district shall comply with this division and all other applicable sections of the City Code.
(Ord. No. O-21-06-15-5, §1, 6-15-21)