Sec. 3-4.1. Types of plans.
   A.   Sketch Plan.
      1.   A sketch plan is a plan prepared in advance of formal submittal for purposes of receiving informal staff comments. Although there are no minimum requirements for the content of a sketch plan, applicants are encouraged to provide as much detail as possible. Staff will distribute such sketch plans received and convey comments to the applicant in a timely manner.
      2.   A sketch plan is required for subdivisions of five (5) or more lots and encouraged for all other development.
   B.   Plot Plans. If a site plan is not otherwise required, the following development activities require submittal of a plot plan prepared in accordance with the approved plot plan standards pursuant to Sec. 3-4.3.A.
      1.   Construction of or additions to single-family and two-family dwellings, and accessory buildings;
      2.   Expansions of buildings, parking areas, or open areas of land where the amount of the expansion area does not exceed 3,000 square feet;
      3.   Co-location on an existing wireless telecommunications facility that meets the wireless telecommunications facilities standards of Chapter Six, Art. Eight Telecommunications.
      4.   Installation of temporary sales or construction office in association with a development project having an active building permit;
      5.   Paving a lawfully created existing gravel parking lot that has 15 or fewer spaces.
      6.   Establishment of temporary uses and mobile food vendor.
   C.   Site Plans. For all other site developments a site plan shall be prepared in accordance with Sec. 3-4.3.B.
(Ord. No. O-21-06-15-5, §1, 6-15-21)