Sec. 5-12. General rules for Oak Grove Cemetery.
   The following general rules shall apply within Oak Grove Cemetery and shall be enforced by the city manager or his designee:
   (a)   No interment of any body, or the cremated remains of any body, other than that of a human being, shall be permitted in the Oak Grove Cemetery.
   (b)   Floral arrangements for mausoleum vaults or columbarium units are permitted only in approved memorial vases. The city reserves the right to remove any floral arrangements, as well as items which the city manager or his designee deems to detract from the unifonn appearance of the mausoleum or columbarium.
   (c)   Payment of any and all indebtedness due the City of Marion from the purchase of a mausoleum vault, columbarium niche, or gravesite must be received in full before interment will be allowed.
   (d)   Remains that are not cremated must be in a suitable casket and of such sufficient durable construction as approved by the funeral director.
   (e)   The City of Marion shall in no way be held liable for any delay in the disposition of a body, or for delay in the fulfillment of any of its contract or legal obligations, including but not limited to maintenance, care, memorial work or construction, which may arise from causes beyond the city's reasonable control and especially from delays caused by the elements, an act of God, equipment breakdown, common enemy, thieves, vandals, malicious mischief makers, explosions, unavoidable accidents, invasions, insurrections, or order of any military or civil authority.
   (f)   The city does not provide and is not responsible for temporary storage of caskets or urns.
   (g)   All funerals and burials shall be under the direction of the public works director or designee upon entering the city cemetery.
   (h)   No more than one (1) body or cremated remains of a body may be placed in any single gravesite, mausoleum vault, or columbarium niche, with the following exceptions:
      1.   Where a single family owns a block of four (4) or more contiguous gravesites, in which case one (1) additional gravesite may be permitted only if physical space exists within the bounds of the family owned block to allow an additional gravesite. Such additional gravesite shall not be allowed to extend into any walkway or common area of the cemetery.
      2.   Up to two (2) cremated remains of bodies may be placed in one (1) single gravesite, if physical space exists within the bounds of said gravesite to allow for two (2) sets of cremated remains. In such a case, only one marker shall be permitted per gravesite.
      3.   If a single gravesite already contains a casket, one (1) additional cremated remains of a body may also be buried in said gravesite, if physical space exists within the gravesite to allow for the burial of the cremated remains. In such a case, only one marker shall be permitted per gravesite.
      4.   Up to two (2) cremated remains of bodies may be placed in one (1) single mausoleum vault, if physical space exists within said vault to allow the placement of two (2) sets of cremated remains. In such a case, only one marker shall be permitted per mausoleum vault.
      5.   If a mausoleum vault already contains a casket, one (1) additional cremated remains of a body may also be placed in said vault, if physical space exists within the vault to allow for the placement of the cremated remains. In such a case, only one marker shall be permitted per mausoleum vault.
   (i)   The cost of a mausoleum vault or columbarium niche does not include any cost for a plaque. After payment for the plaque is made, in the amount set by city council, the city will approve, order and install the appropriate plaque at the request of family.
   (j)   The city is not responsible for any unauthorized cremated remains or ashes deposited on the grounds of the city cemetery.
   (k)   The opening and closing of a mausoleum vault or columbarium niche to place or remove a body or the cremated remains of a body shall be performed only by city personnel after payment of a predetermined charge, as set by city council. Such charge must also be paid for the opening and closing of a mausoleum vault for the placement of a second set of cremated remains.
   (l)   No body shall be placed in any mausoleum vault unless it has been embalmed.
   (m)   Vaults or concrete boxes must be installed for burials in a gravesite, to help prevent graves from sinking.
   (n)   Cremated remains to be placed in a gravesite, mausoleum vault or columbarium niche must be in an approved container designed for the sole purpose of holding human ashes.
(Ord. No. O-15-10-06-5, § 3, passed 10-6-15)