§ 152.09 VARIANCES.
   Upon application to the Code Enforcement Officer, the Marion Planning Commission may grant variances to the applicant from the regulations specified in this chapter. The applicant must specify hardships to result in following the prescribed regulations. The Code Enforcement Officer, in conjunction with the city's engineer, must examine and decide the validity of the proposed hardships. This request is then submitted to the Planning Commission by staff, with a recommendation about granting the variance.
   (A)   The variance will be granted only upon showing that there is good and sufficient cause. Financial hardship to the applicant shall not constitute proper or appropriate grounds for a variance under this chapter.
   (B)   A record of all variance actions shall be maintained by the Code Enforcement Officer, including the justification for issuance.
   (C)   Variances may be issued for the reconstruction, rehabilitation, or restoration of structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places, or the State Inventory of Historic Places, without regard to the procedures set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 16-04, passed 5-16-16)