(A)   A written determination of responsibility of a bidder or offeror shall be made, based on a reasonable inquiry conducted by the city. The unreasonable failure of a bidder or offeror to promptly supply information upon request may be grounds for a determination of non-responsibility of such bidder or offeror.
   (B)   A written determination of responsibility of a bidder or offeror shall not be made until the bidder or offeror provides the city with a sworn statement made under penalty of perjury that he has not knowingly violated any provision of the campaign finance laws of the Commonwealth and that the award of a contract to the bidder or offeror will not violate any provision of the campaign finance laws of the Commonwealth. “KNOWINGLY” means, with respect to conduct or to a circumstance described by a statute defining an offense, that a person is aware or should have been aware that his conduct is of that nature or that the circumstance exists.
   (C)   Except as otherwise provided by law, information furnished by a bidder or offeror pursuant to this section may not be disclosed outside of the city without prior written consent of the bidder or offeror.
(Ord. 09-09, passed 10-19-09)