§ 50.45 REVIEW.
   The city shall review not less often than annually the wastewater contribution of users, the total cost of OM&R of the wastewater works, debt service obligations, and wastewater user charge rates. Based on such review, the city shall revise, when necessary, the schedule of wastewater user charge rates to accomplish the following:
   (A)   Maintain an equitable distribution of OM&R costs among users of the wastewater treatment system;
   (B)   Generate sufficient revenues to offset costs associated with the proper operation and maintenance of the wastewater system and to meet debt service requirements;
   (C)   Excessive strength and toxicity surcharges shall be reviewed at the time of and in conjunction with the review of wastewater user charges. Surcharge rates shall be revised where necessary to reflect current treatment and monitoring costs; and
   (D)   Each user shall be notified, at least annually, in conjunction with a regular bill of the rate and that portion of the total charge that is attributable to OM&R of the wastewater system.
(Ord. 04-11, passed 6-21-04)