(A)   Policy statement.
      (1)   In accordance with KRS 96.539, the City Council, recites the following rules and procedures that shall govern the extension of municipal sanitary sewer service. The Council hereby states that all extensions and additions to the municipal sanitary sewer system shall be designed and developed as an integral part of the system. The Council shall give consideration to proposals of developers who desire to construct and install sewer infrastructure and connect same to the system. The Council will not entertain applications merely for extensions of service to unserved persons and areas. Such unserved areas will be addressed as capital projects to be prioritized, funded, designed, and constructed as funds are deemed available by the Council. Proposals submitted by developers shall be heard and considered subject to these rules and regulations and in accordance with KRS 96.539.
      (2)   The Council urges developers to design sewer systems without pump stations where practical. Regarding pump stations, the developer should be aware that wastewater pump stations are subject to odor and overflows and that care and consideration should be made by the project design engineer in siting any pump stations. These sitings, if applicable, will be carefully reviewed by the municipal sanitary sewer system's consulting engineer and city officials.
   (B)   Rules that apply to all developments.
      (1)   The developer shall submit preliminary documentation of a proposed development to the Council. The proposal shall be presented at the regular monthly meeting of the Council.
      (2)   At the Council meeting the developer shall discuss with the Council the parameters of the proposed development, including but not limited to the area to be served, the scope of the development, and any potential future uses of the development. In considering the proposed development, the Council will investigate probable effects the projected wastewater stream would have on the existing municipal sanitary sewer system. During the process of making such determination, the Council may, at its discretion, require the developer's project design engineer to submit a project summary report." If such a report is required, the report shall be reviewed by the municipal sanitary sewer system's consulting engineer. After reviewing the project summary report, the system's consulting engineer shall make report to the Council, and if the consulting engineer's report is favorable regarding the proposed sewer infrastructure and the collection and treatment capabilities of the municipal sewer system, authorization will be given to the developer to proceed with the proposed development. The developer will be provided with a copy of the applicable rules and procedures governing extensions of municipal sanitary sewer service, field testing procedures for new pipelines, and other pertinent information.
   (3)   After initial presentation of the proposal to the Council, a meeting will be arranged between the developer, his design and installation professionals, and the municipal sanitary sewer system's technical review committee (hereinafter called the committee). The committee shall be comprised of the system's consulting engineer, the public works maintenance superintendent, the utilities superintendent, and the City Administrator. The developer shall supply the committee with a minimum of two copies of the proposed construction plans and specifications. At the meeting, the developer and the committee shall discuss the suitability and acceptability of the design proposal. If the committee is not familiar with the developer's project design and installation professionals, it may request references. After the meeting with the developer and his professionals, the committee will make technical review of the submitted project design and specifications and will make comments and forward such comments to the developer within 20 working days.
      (4)   Prior to submitting the plans and specifications for the facilities to the Cabinet for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection for a construction permit, the plans and specifications shall be submitted to the municipal sanitary sewer system for review and comment.
      (5)   In review of the plans and specifications, the standard regulations and specifications, Ten State Standards, (latest amendments and revisions) will be used.
      (6)   Any actual engineering expenses (fees/charges) incurred by the system during the development will be "passed through" the administrative offices to the developer. These shall include actual engineering expenses for review of project design, project summary reports, project oversight, project inspection, and other necessary engineering services incurred by the system during the private development.
      (7)   The municipal sanitary sewer system shall specify the exact point of connection to its system from which the developer shall construct the entire sewage collection system.
      (8)   Prior to commencement of construction, the developer, at his expense, shall be responsible for obtaining all easements, right- of-ways, permits, licenses, and the like necessary for the construction and operation of the proposed development.
      (9)   The proposed sewage collection system should be installed in accordance with the Ten State Standard Recommended Standards For Waste Water Facilities," which are followed by the state Division of Water for design and installation of waste water facilities.
      (10)   The developer shall be responsible for the all costs of the proposed sewage collection system. The initial connection from the municipal sewer system shall be made by the developer's installation professional at the direction of the system, and no connection fee will be required of the developer for the initial connection. The developer is responsible for the design and installation of the entire sewage collection system, municipal sanitary sewer system approval, state approval, construction, engineering inspection, engineer construction certification, and pipeline testing. The system will conduct routine site observations during construction and pipeline testing. However, these visits and observations by the system will not supersede the requirement of the developer's engineer to supervise the testing and certify to its accuracy.
      (11)   The cost of any extension greater than 100 feet per applicant shall be subject to refund to the applicant or applicants, on a pro rated basis for each additional customer whose service line is directly connected to the extension line paid for by the initial applicant or applicants. The refund period shall extend at least 10 years, and in no case shall the refund amounts exceed the amount paid. Furthermore, the Council may determine the criteria for pro rating such refunds on a case by case basis. The determination of such criteria, charges for future customer connections to the extended line paid for by the initial applicants, and all other pertinent detail and information shall be delineated in a written document.
      (12)   The City Council may, at its discretion, and on a development by development basis, waive the requirement of sewer pipeline lateral installation by the developer. In the event that the Council waives such requirement, the city will tap the main pipeline, install a sewer pipeline lateral, with all necessary appurtenances, and charge the appropriate tap fee.
      (13)   In addition to the state's construction conditions, the system will require low pressure air testing of all sewer pipelines, and voltage and draw-down tests of all pump stations. Results of these and other tests should be submitted to the system's consulting engineer's. The system will conduct routine site observations during construction and pipeline testing. However, these visits and observations by the system will not supersede the requirement of the developer's engineer to supervise the testing and certify to its accuracy.
      (14)   the Developer shall be responsible for compliance with any remedial measures issued by the system that result from the system's periodic inspections and observations.
      (15)   When all works is completed to the system's complete satisfaction, and prior to the system providing any municipal sanitary sewer service to the development, the system must obtain the design engineer's certification of construction. If the certification is contrary to conditions observed by the system during construction, the conflicts will need to be resolved prior to any municipal sewer service being provided to the development.
      (16)   (a)   Procedure for acceptance of the sewage collection system. Upon full compliance by the developer with all of the hereinabove recited rules and procedures and compliance with any and all issued remedial measures, the City Administrator will make report to the City Council. The report may recommend final acceptance of the sewage collection system for maintenance/ operations by the municipal sanitary sewer system.
         (b)   Acceptance of the sewage collection system will be accomplished by adoption of city ordinance. The ordinance may set forth terms and conditions any final acceptance may be subject to. However, in no case will the final acceptance of the sewage collection system be made until the developer has provided the municipality with the following:
            1.   A construction certification signed by the developer's engineer and results of testing of the sewage collection system;
            2.   Documents transferring all necessary easements to the municipality for maintenance/operations of the sewage collection system;
            3.   Written assurance from the developer that his engineer will produce and deliver to the municipal sanitary sewer system "as built" plans of the water infrastructure within 90 days from the date the test results of the sewage collection system is approved by the system's consulting engineer;
            4.   Payment for all bills due the municipality for actual engineering expenses incurred by the municipality during the private development.
      (17)   Nothing contained in the hereinabove recited rules and procedures shall be construed to limit the City Council's authority to deny or refuse the connection of any proposed development of infrastructure to the city municipal sanitary sewer system.
(Ord. 96-3, passed 3-18-96; Am. Ord. 99-15, passed 9-27-99) Penalty, see § 50.99