§ 36.38 MEALS.
   (A)   (1)   Reimbursement for meal expense incurred during authorized travel shall be made for actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred not to exceed the maximum allowed rates listed as follows:
   Breakfast   $ 8.00
   Lunch      $10.00
   Dinner      $20.00
      (2)   For travel of more than ten hours duration or overnight travel, the following shall apply:
   Out-of-State      In State
   $39.00/24 hours   $32.00/24 hours
   $9.75/quarter      $8.00/quarter
   (B)   Transportation expenses.
      (1)   Reimbursement for authorized use of privately-owned vehicle shall:
         (a)   Be made at $.42 per mile; or
         (b)   Be made for the actual expenses incurred due to gas, oil, and toll expense during travel, provided that receipts are attached to travel voucher.
      (2)   If a city-owned vehicle is used for travel, reimbursement shall be made for actual expenses incurred due to gas, oil, and toll expense incurred while traveling.
   (C)   Mileage.
      (1)   Mileage commuting between home and work station shall not be paid.
      (2)   If the point of origin is the claimant's home, mileage shall be paid for the shorter of mileage between:
         (a)   Claimant's home and travel destination; or
         (b)   Work station and travel destination.
(Ord. 97-05, passed 3-10-97; Am. Ord. 02-17, passed 7-17-02; Am. Ord. 10-08, passed 10-18-10)