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The maximum level of benefits to be provided for each item of assistance for each veteran or that veteran’s family unit shall be:
1.   Food, if food stamps have not been received, at the level of guidelines for food stamps;
2.   Rent and shelter, the reasonable rental value with a maximum established by the Commission;
3.   Clothing, the reasonable value of clothing actually needed if not immediately available from other sources;
4.   Heat, light and water, the amount needed to provide these services and supplies;
5.   Medical, dental services, and prescriptions, the reasonable value of these services actually needed as shown by a statement from a physician, dentist or optician if not available from other sources;
6.   Transportation expenses, including gasoline, as needed to obtain other benefits or seek employment, provided that proof of application for benefits or employment is provided to the Commission;
7.   If a veteran lives in a rural area and the nearest neighbor is too distant to reach in event of emergency, or has a medical necessity, the monthly cost of one telephone is to be allowed. Long distance telephone charges for other than medical emergencies shall not be allowed or provided.
The total amount for all of the items of assistance needed, at any one time, shall be determined, and there shall be deducted the amount of liquid assets the veteran or the family unit have available and the balance remaining is the amount of assistance the indigent veteran is to receive.