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The preliminary plat of a subdivision is not intended to serve as a record plat. Its purpose is to show on a map all facts needed to enable the Commission to determine whether the proposed layout of the land in question is satisfactory from the standpoint of the public interest. The subdivider, owner, or representative may call at the office of the Zoning Administrator in advance of the preliminary plat in order to discuss the proposed subdivision and in order to obtain information as to the requirements necessary for the approval of the plat. The preliminary plat shall be submitted at least two (2) weeks before the next meeting of the Zoning Commission.
1.   Number of Copies. Ten (10) copies of the preliminary plat shall be submitted to the Zoning Commission for its review.
2.   Contents.
   A.   Name of subdivision, date, point of compass, scale (1" = 100' maximum unless permission is obtained from the Board of Supervisors) and the legal description of the property being platted.
   B.   Name and address of recorded owner and developer.
   C.   Name and address of land surveyor and engineer.
   D.   Existing buildings, railroads, underground utilities, and other rights-of-way.
   E.   Location, names and widths of all existing and proposed roads, alleys, streets, and highways in or adjoining the area being subdivided.
   F.   Location and names of adjoining subdivisions, and the names and addresses of the owners of adjoining acreage parcels.
   G.   Proposed lot lines with approximate dimensions and the square foot area of each lot.
   H.   Areas dedicated for public use, such as schools, parks, and playgrounds.
   I.   Contour lines at intervals of not more than two (2) feet.
   J.   Building setback lines.
   K.   Boundaries of the proposed subdivision shall be indicated by a heavy line.
   L.   Zoning classification of the area.
   M.   Proposed utility service.
      (1)   Source of water supply.
      (2)   Provision for sewage disposal, drainage, and flood control.
   N.   A vicinity sketch at a legible scale showing the relationship of the plat to its general surroundings.
   O.   Lot numbers and the gross area, area included in the road right-of-way, and net area shall be shown for each lot.
   P.   A table designating each lot or parcel as either buildable or for agricultural use only.
   Q.   Note that all new streets in the subdivision shall be private, unless the Board of Supervisors, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, requires a new street to be public.
   R.   A typical cross-section indicating the street width, material and thickness for all public and private streets as well as size and location of the roadside drainage ditches.
   S.   A note listing all waivers being requested for the construction of private streets such as concrete pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks, and/or street lights.
   T.   Right-of-way easement widths.
   U.   Easements for public utility purposes.
   V.   Location and dimensions of sidewalks to be installed (only in cases where a city has jurisdiction within two miles unless waived by said jurisdiction).
3.   Accompanying Material. A consent and waiver request, signed by the property owner, for all private streets not constructed in conformance with the minimum standards required in Section 56.07(1)(N). Said consent and waiver shall conform to the requirements of Section 56.07(1)(P) and shall not become effective until approved by the Board at the time of final platting.
4.   Construction Plans.
   A.   After approval of preliminary plat by the Commission, the subdivider shall submit construction plans for all required public improvements for approval by the County Engineer.
   B.   Marion County does not review the construction plans or provide inspection for private improvements, including private streets. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant and his professionals to insure the construction of private streets, utilities and drainage facilities complies with the requirements of this chapter and the approved preliminary plat and waivers.
   C.   Plans and profiles of public streets at a 50-foot horizontal scale and 5-foot vertical scale. Profiles shall show location, size and grade of all conduits, including drainage areas, sewers, pipelines, etc., to be placed under the streets and alleys. Profiles of east and west streets shall be drawn so that the west end of the profile shall be at the left side of the drawing. Profiles of the north and south streets shall be drawn so that the south end of the profile shall be at the left side of the drawing. Said plan must carry the certification and signature of a registered professional engineer as defined by Chapter 355 of the Code of Iowa.
      (1)   Public roads shall meet the requirements of Section 56.07 of this chapter.
      (2)   Private roads shall meet the requirements of Section 56.07 of this chapter unless the developer requests a waiver in which case the waiver shall be so noted on both the preliminary plat and final plat.