Within two years and prior to any improvement location permit being issued, the petitioner shall file a detailed development plan for each land use development plan for each land use development area (bubble) designated by the land use plan.
   (A)   The purpose of the development plan is to enable the Department to make a finding that the proposed development is in conformity with the intent and provisions of the conditions and requirements of the secondary review and to guide the Director in the issuance of permits. The site plan shall be drawn to scale and shall indicate clearly and with full dimensioning the following information:
      (1)   Lot dimensions, where applicable;
      (2)   All buildings and structures: locations, elevations, size, height, proposed use;
      (3)   Yards and distances between buildings;
      (4)   Walls and fences: location, height and materials;
      (5)   Off-street parking: location, number and size of spaces and dimensions of parking area, internal circulation pattern;
      (6)   Access: pedestrian, vehicular, service: points of ingress and egress, internal circulation;
      (7)   Signs: location, dimensions, number of spaces, internal circulation;
      (8)   Loading: location, dimensions, number of spaces, internal circulation;
      (9)   Lighting: location and general nature, dimension;
      (10)   Common facilities and open spaces: location, dimensions;
      (11)   Public and private roads: location, dimensions, circulation;
      (12)   Sewage and drainage: with evidence of a satisfactory means of sewage disposal and surface drainage, to be reviewed by the Utilities Engineer and approved by the City Engineer and City Planning Director; (See §§ 52.105, 152.115, and 152.116)
      (13)   Fire hydrants: location (if provided);
      (14)   Screening, vegetation, fencing or buffering.
   (B)   The Director shall review each administratively and make written findings as to compliance with the land use plan and conditions or commitments imposed and the terms of the Advisory Zoning Ordinance.
(1985 Code, § 36-7-4-600(8.10)) (Am. Ord. 19-2005, passed 7-5-2005)