(A)   On-site. Temporary real estate signs advertising real property, which has been subdivided for purposes of sale or lease, shall be permitted, subject to the following conditions.
      (1)   The construction of any sign shall be in strict compliance with the provisions of this chapter and all other laws of the city.
      (2)   The sign shall remain only as long as some portion of the property advertised for sale remains unsold, or for a period of two years, whichever period is shorter.
      (3)   The signs shall be located on the premises which they advertise.
      (4)   No sign shall exceed 480 square feet in area.
      (5)   Not more than two such signs shall be permitted in any subdivision under five acres in size. In subdivisions involving more than five acres, one additional sign shall be permitted for each additional five acres.
      (6)   Identification signs containing the tract name are permitted, provided there shall not be more than one for each three lots. Said signs shall not exceed ten square feet.
      (7)   Signs are permitted on the same lot with a model home, provided they do not exceed four in number and four square feet in area. Said signs shall be removed after the developer concludes the initial sale of the lots or homes to their initial owners.
   (B)   Off-site; temporary real estate directional signs. Temporary real estate directional signs directing prospective purchasers to a subdivision having lots or houses for sale may be erected and maintained provided said signs do not create hazardous traffic conditions. Such signs shall be subject to the following standards:
      (1)   The sign shall not exceed 60 square feet in area;
      (2)   The sign shall be setback not less than eight feet from the front property line;
      (3)   The sign shall be not less than six or more than 18 feet above the crown of the nearest adjacent road or the higher of the two crowns of two adjacent roads.
   (C)   Temporary off-site open house signs. Temporary open house signs shall be permitted for a period of 48 hours, provided that the sign shall be limited to a double faced sign not more than two by three feet in size.
(1985 Code, § 36-7-4-600(4.3))