(A)   Any projecting wall sign with its advertising surface at or approximately at a right angle to a wall facing a street shall be deemed to be a vertical sign and shall not exceed 18 inches in thickness. Any ‘V’ shaped projecting sign shall also be deemed to be a vertical sign and shall not exceed 18 inches in thickness at is farthest projection from the building, not four feet in thickness at the face of the building. Thickness for the purposes of the requirement is the distance between the two faces of the sign.
   (B)   (1)   When the bottom of a sign is eight feet and less than ten feet above the ground, the projection over the property line abutting the street line shall not exceed one foot.
      (2)   When the bottom of the sign is ten feet and less than 12 feet above the ground, the projection shall not exceed two feet six inches.
      (3)   When the bottom of the sign is 12 feet and less than 14 feet above the ground, the projection shall not exceed four feet.
      (4)   When the bottom of the sign is 14 feet and less than 16 feet above the ground, the projection shall not exceed four feet.
      (5)   When the bottom of the sign is 16 feet or more above the ground, the projection shall not exceed five feet.
   (C)   No sign shall exceed five feet four inches in height above the parapet wall, except that such sign may return over the roof not to exceed ten feet measured from the edge of the sign.
(1985 Code, § 36-7-4-600(4.3))