§ 33.52 FINANCES.
   (A)   Board member compensation.
      (1)   Members of the Marion Utility Service Board shall be reimbursed by the Utility for out-of- pocket expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as members of the Board.
      (2)   In addition, the Chairperson of the Board shall receive a salary in the amount of $2,500 annually, and regular Board members shall receive a salary in the amount of $2,000, effective January 1, 1996.
      (3)   If a Board member is unable to attend regular Board meetings for a period of two months consecutively, no salary will be received for the period of absence.
   (B)   Promotional account.
      (1)   An account is established being the Marion Utility Service Board Promotional and Miscellaneous Account. The Marion Utility Service Board is authorized to budget and appropriate funds from the revenues of the water and sewer utility to pay the expenses incurred in promoting the betterment of the City of Marion, Indiana, through the accounts created.
      (2)   Expenditures from these accounts may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
         (a)   Membership dues and local, regional, state and national associates of a civic, educational or governmental nature which have as their purpose the betterment and improvement of municipal utility operations;
         (b)   Direct expenses for travel, meals and lodging in conjunction with municipal business or meetings or organizations to which the municipal utility belongs;
         (c)   Expenses incurred in the promotion of economic or industrial development for the municipality, including meeting room rental, decorations, lodging, meals and travel;
         (d)   Commemorative plaques, certificates, objects such as commemorative keys;
         (e)   Other purposes which are deemed by the Marion Utility Service Board to directly relate to the promotion or betterment of the City of Marion, Indiana.
      (3)   The promotional account shall be budgeted each year by the Marion Utility Service Board. No expense shall be allowed from the account without prior authorization and approval of the Marion Utility Service Board. Claims for expense under this section will be allowed as prescribed by law.
(Ord. 32-1993, passed 12-21-1993; Am. Ord. 39-1995, passed 12-20-1995)