§ 98.23 VIOLATION.
   (A)   Any officer who finds a vehicle to be illegally parked in accordance with the posted signage shall attach a parking ticket in a prominent place. The vehicle is then considered illegally parked and the owner shall be held responsible for all costs incurred by the processing. The owner shall be responsible to pay the fine against the vehicle and if these costs are not paid within 30 days, the owner shall be taken to city court and incur all costs associated with the collection of said findings as determined by the court.
   (B)   A violation of the provisions of this subchapter shall be punishable by a fine as determined by § 10.99. If the fine is paid within 30 days there will be no additional cost. Fines not paid in the 30 day period will then be processed through the courts and additional court costs may be assessed. During the first two months of the implementation of this subchapter, the owner of an illegally parked vehicle shall be given a written warning of the violation. After the two months, all illegally parked vehicles shall be ticketed.
(Ord. 5-1999, passed 3-2-1999)