(A)   Site plan review and approval of all developmental proposals within specific zoning districts is required by the following provisions. The intent of this section is to provide for consultation and cooperation between the developer and the Planning Commission so that both parties might realize maximum utilization of land and minimum adverse effect upon the surrounding land uses.
   (B)   Through the application of the following provisions, the attainment of the Master Plan will be assured and the city will develop in an orderly fashion.
      (1)   Site plan review required. A site plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval for the following:
         (a)   Any uses (except for single- or two-family dwellings, buildings and uses accessory to single- or two-family dwellings, and farm buildings) within the following districts: RM - Multiple-Family Residential, WM - Waterfront Recreation and Marina, MHP - Mobile Home Park, B-1 - Central Business, B-2 - General Business, I-1 - Light Industrial, I-2 - Heavy Industrial, P-1 - Vehicular Parking District.
         (b)   All special uses in single-family districts such as, but not limited to, churches, schools and public facilities.
         (c)   All site condominium or condominium projects.
         (d)   Any use or development for which the submission of a site plan is required by any provisions of this chapter.
         (e)   Any change and/or conversion of use as permitted and regulated by this chapter within the same zoning district.
         (f)   Any addition to an existing principal or accessory building within districts listed above and subject to the following provisions:
            1.   Wherein the proposed addition constitutes an increase of 500 square feet or 10% or more as compared to the existing building or use whichever is less.
            2.   Wherein the proposed addition or expansion would require a variance from the provisions of this chapter no matter what size the addition or expansion.
      (2)   Site plan review criteria. The site plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission upon finding that the following conditions are met:
         (a)   The proposed use will not be injurious to the surrounding neighborhood.
         (b)   There is a proper relationship between thoroughfares and proposed service drives, driveways, and parking areas.
         (c)   The location of buildings, outside storage receptacles, parking areas, screen walls, and utility areas is such that the adverse effects of such uses will be minimized for the occupants of that use and the oocupants of surrounding areas.
         (d)   It provides for proper development of roads, easements, and public utilities and protects the general health, safety, welfare and character of the city.
         (e)   It meets city requirements and standards for grading and surface drainage and for the design and construction of storm sewers, storm water holding facilities, water mains, sanitary sewers, and driveway approaches.
         (f)   All buildings or groups of buildings shall be so arranged as to permit emergency vehicle access by some practical means to all sides.
         (g)   Natural resources are preserved by developing in a manner which will not detrimentally affect or destroy natural features such as lakes, ponds, streams, wetlands, steep slopes, and woodlands.
         (h)   Sites which include storage of hazardous materials or waste, fuels, salt, or chemicals will be designed to prevent spills and discharges of polluting materials to the surface of the ground, groundwater, or nearby water bodies.
         (i)   The location of buildings, parking, drives, landscaping and other improvements on the site is appropriate for the lot size and configuration.
         (j)   Landscaping, including trees, shrubs and other vegetative material, is provided to maintain and improve the aesthetic quality of the site and the area.
         (k)   The proposed use is in compliance with all city ordinances and any other applicable laws.
      (3)   Information required on site plan.
         (a)   Plans submitted for site plan approval shall contain all of the following data prior to approval of such plans by the Planning Commission. Final construction plans must be-submitted to the Building Department and such construction plans must be reviewed and approved prior to obtaining a building permit.
         (b)   Site plans shall consist of an overall plan for the entire development. Sheet size shall be at least 24" by 36" with plan view drawn to a minimum scale of 1".20' if the subject property is less than 3 acres and 1'1=50' if 3 acres or more. Included on the site plan will be all dimensions and the following:
         (a)   General information.
            1.   Proprietors name, address, and telephone number;
            2.   Date (month, day, year), including revisions;
            3.   Title block;
            4.   Scale;
            5.   North point;
            6.   Location map drawn at a scale of 1"=2,000' with north point indicated;
            7.   Architect, engineer, surveyor, landscape architect, or planner’s seal;
            8.   Existing lot lines, building lines, structures, parking areas and the like on the parcel, and within 100 feet of the site;
            9.   Proposed lot lines, property lines and all structures, parking areas and the like within the site, and within 100 feet of the site;
            10.   Centerline and existing and proposed right-of-way lines;
            11.   Zoning classification of petitioner’s parcel and all abutting parcels;
            12.   Gross acreage figure; and
            13.   Proximity to major thoroughfare and/or section corners.
         (b)   Physical features.
            1.   Proposed locations of access drives, street intersections, driveway locations, sidewalks, signs, curbing, and acceleration, deceleration, and passing lanes;
            2.   Location of existing and proposed service facilities above and below ground, including: storage, loading and disposal areas for chemicals, hazardous substances, salt, and fuels water main, hydrants, pump houses, standpipes, and building services and sizes; sanitary sewers and pumping stations; stormwater control facilities and structures including storm sewers, swales, retention and detention basins, drainageways, and other facilities, including calculations for sizes; location of all easements;
            3.   All buildings with dimensioned floor plans, setback and yard dimensions, and typical elevation views of proposed structures;
            4.   Dimensioned parking spaces and calculations, drives and method of surfacing;
            5.   Exterior lighting locations and illumination patterns;
            6.   Location and description of all existing and proposed landscaping, berms, fencing and walls;
            7.   Sidewalks and bike paths;
            8.   Trash receptacle pad location and method of screening;
            9.   Transformer pad location and method of screening;
            10.   Dedicated road or service drive locations;
            11.   Entrance details including sign locations and size;
            12.   Designation of fire lanes; and
            13.   Any other pertinent physical features.
         (c)   Natural features.
            1.   Existing topography with a maximum contour interval of 2 feet indicated. Topography on the site and beyond the site for a distance of 100 feet in all directions shall be indicated;
            2.   A grading plan showing finished contours at a maximum interval of 2 feet, correlated with existing contours so as to clearly indicate required cutting, filling and grading;
            3.   Location of existing drainage courses, lakes, ponds, wetlands, rivers and streams, including their water surface elevation, floodplain elevation, and ordinary high water mark; and
            4.   Location of other natural resource features, including woodlands.
         (d)   Additional requirements for Multiple-Family, and PUD Developments.
            1.   Density calculations by type of unit by bedroom count;
            2.   Designation of units by type of unit in each building;
            3.   Carport locations and details where proposed;
            4.   Specific amount of space and locations;
            5.   Type of recreation facilities to be provided in recreation space; and
            6.   If proposed, details of community building and fencing of swimming pool.
         (e)   Additional requirements for commercial and industrial developments.
            1.   Loading/unloading areas;
            2.   Gross and useable floor area; and
            3.   Number of employees in peak usage.
         (f)   The Planning Commission may waive any of the above required site plan information, when such information is determined to be not pertinent to the proposed development.
      (4)   Application procedure. An application for site plan review shall be processed in the following manner.
         (a)   All site plans shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator at least 21 days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission and must contain the following to be accepted:
            1.   A signed and complete application;
            2.   Ten copies of the site plan;
            3.   All items as required hereby shown on the site plan; and
            4.   Required fees.
         (b)   Upon acceptance of the site plan, the Zoning Administrator shall:
            1.   Forward a copy of the site plan and application to the City Planner or Engineer for review;
            2.   Place review of the site plan on the next Planning Commission agenda; and
            3.   Forward a copy of the site plan and application to each Commission member.
      (5)   Planning Commission review. The Planning Commission shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the site plan within 90 days of the date of the Planning Commission meeting at which the site plan is first heard. The time limit may be extended upon a written request by the applicant and approved by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may suggest and/or require modifications in the proposed final site plan as are needed to gain approval.
      (6)   Administrative sketch plan review. The intent of this section is to permit the submittal of a sketch plan in certain specific instances where a complete site plan is not considered essential to ensure compliance with the intent and standards of this ordinance. The intent is to also provide for an administrative review by city staff of Planning Commission approved site plans for compliance with conditions as imposed by the Planning Commission.
         (a)   In lieu of a complete site plan prepared in accordance with subsection (3), a sketch plan may be submitted for the uses or activities identified below.
            1.   Accessory uses incidental to a conforming existing use where said use does not require any variance or further site modifications.
            2.   Expansion and/or addition of 1,500 square feet or less to an existing conforming structure or use.
            3.   Alterations to off-street parking layout or installation of pavement or curbing improvements provided the total number of spaces does not change the number of parking spaces by more than 5% or to meet various federal, state, or ADA requirements.
            4.   Improvements or installation of walls, fences, lighting or trash containers/enclosures.
            5.   Approval for establishment of a home occupation.
            6.   Change of use to a permitted use in any zoning district, limited to a use not exceeding 2,500 square feet.
         (b)   Procedure.
            1.   The procedure for administrative approval of a sketch plan shall involve the submittal of a sketch plan meeting the requirements of this subsection. Additionally, the required application form and fee shall be submitted. The Zoning Administrator shall review the sketch plan in accordance with the standards of subsection (2). The Zoning Administrator shall make a report of administrative sketch plan reviews to the Planning Commission.
            2.   The Zoning Administrator retains the option to require additional information or a complete site plan for review by the Planning Commission, particularly for sites which do not comply with previously approved site plans, sites with parking deficiencies, sites abutting residential districts or sites experiencing problems with drainage, traffic, noise, aesthetics or other general health and safety issues. If a complete site plan is required, the Zoning Administrator shall inform the applicant to submit a set of plans in accordance with this article within 14 days of receipt of the application. The Zoning Administrator shall also have authority to refer any site plan eligible for administrative review to any consultants employed by the city for the purposes of site plan review.
         (c)   Sketch plan information required.
            1.   Details of the propose changes to the use or structure in question.
            2.   Proprietors', applicants', and owners' names, addressed and telephone numbers.
            3.   Location map with north point indicated.
            4.   Locations of existing landscaping, lighting, parking, if applicable, including the proposed method of refuse collection.
            5.   Gross acreage and building figures.
            6.   Zoning classification of petitioners' parcel and all abutting parcels.
            7.   Estimated cost of proposed site improvements including roadways, lighting, utilities, sidewalks, drainage, fences, walls, and landscaping.
      (7)   Effect of approval. When an applicant receives final site approval, he or she must develop the site in complete conformity with the approved site plan. The site plan approval shall be valid for a period of 1 year. If the project is not under construction with a building permit at the expiration of the approval time, the site plan approval becomes null and void and the developer shall make a new application for approval. Prior to the date of expiration, the applicant may request and the Planning Commission may approve an extension for a period no longer than 1 year.
      (8)   Phasing of development. The applicant may, at his discretion, divide the proposed development in two (2) or more phases. In such case, the site plan shall clearly indicate the location, the size, and character of each phase. The approval of the first phase shall be valid for a period of 1 year in accordance with division (7) above. As part of site plan approval, the Planning Commission may designate the time period for which the approval of any subsequent phases shall be valid. Time extensions for site plan phases may be granted by the Planning Commission in accordance with division (7) above.
      (9)   Amendment of approved site plan. The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to determine if a proposed change requires an amendment to an approved final site plan. A site plan may be amended upon application and in accordance with the procedure herein for a final site plan. The Zoning Administrator may approve minor changes in an approved final site plan, provided that a revised final site plan drawing(s) be submitted showing such minor changes, for purposes of record.
      (10)   Modification of plan during construction. All improvements shall conform to the final site plan. Any changes, which result in a material alteration of the site plan approved by the Planning Commission, shall require resubmittal to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission, or Zoning Administrator may require the applicant to correct the changes so as to conform to the approved final site plan.
(Prior Code, App., § 1509A) (Ord. 97-5, passed 10-2-1997; Am. Ord. 2019-002, passed 2-21-2019; Am. Ord. passed 10-21-2021)