The officers and employed services of the retirement system shall be as follows:
   (A)   Chairperson. The Board shall annually elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson from its members;
   (B)   Secretary. The City Clerk shall be Secretary to the Board and the administrative officer of the retirement system;
   (C)   Treasurer. The City Treasurer shall be treasurer of the retirement system. The Treasurer shall be custodian of the assets of the retirement system except as to such assets as the Board may from time to time place in the custody of a nationally chartered bank;
   (D)   Legal advisor. The City Attorney shall be legal advisor to the Board;
   (E)   Actuary. The City Commission shall appoint an actuary who shall be the technical advisor to the Board regarding the operation of the retirement system on an actuarial basis, and who shall perform such services as are required in connection therewith. The term ACTUARY as used in this section shall mean a member of the American Academy of Actuaries or a person who has demonstrated an educational background necessary for the practice of actuarial science and has at least 5 years of relevant actuarial experience. A partnership or corporation may be appointed actuary if the duties of actuary are performed by or under direct supervision of a person who meets the preceding qualifications;
   (F)   Medical Director. The Board shall appoint as medical director a physician who is not a member, retirant or beneficiary and who has not filled any other city position within the 5 years preceding appointment. The Medical Director shall arrange for and pass upon all medical examinations required in the administration of the retirement system and shall investigate all statements and certificates of a medical nature which are presented in connection with the operation of the retirement system. The Medical Director shall report his or her conclusions and recommendations in writing;
   (G)   Services. The City Commission is authorized and empowered to employ such professional and other services as are required for the proper administration of the retirement system. Such services, other than actuarial and medical, shall be obtained and the compensation for such services shall be fixed in accordance with city operating procedures.
(Ord. passed 11-20-1980; Am. Ord. 09-01, passed 2-5-2009)