(a) All full-time employees of the City, all part-time employees of the City working a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week, and all elected officials of the City, none of whom are otherwise provided for by contract or separate ordinance, shall receive health insurance benefits pursuant to the terms and conditions of the agreement entered into between the City and the Michigan Conference of Teamsters Welfare Fund, or any subsequent insurer. For purposes of defraying the cost of the health insurance premiums each such eligible employee shall have fifteen percent (15%) of the premium cost deducted from his/her pay during each pay period with the remaining cost of the health insurance coverage in effect to be paid by the City or as much as eighty-five percent (85%) of the premium cost. In the event a married couple are both employees of the City of Marietta, Ohio, each will pay a fifteen percent (15%) share.
(b) Such eligible employees shall receive health insurance coverage under the benefits plans provided pursuant to the City's agreement with the Michigan Conference of Teamsters Welfare Fund, which benefits shall be identical to those provided by the City by collective bargaining agreement to its various union employees.
(Ord. 373(22-23). Passed 12-21-23.)