(a)   "Street" means any public thoroughfare which affords primary access by pedestrians and vehicles to abutting property;
   (b)   "Alley" means any public way which affords secondary access to abutting property;
   (c)   "Brick" means any molded clay block hardened by firing and used as a paving material;
   (d)   "Repave" means to cover an existing paved street or alley surface with paving material and includes the reconstruction of such surfaces, with an estimated project cost in
excess of $5,000.00;
   (e)   "Repair" means to restore an existing paved street or alley surface to sound condition and includes the maintenance or repaving of such surfaces, with an estimated project
cost of $5,000.00 or less: and
   (f)   "Open" means to breach an existing paved street or alley surface for purposes of gaining access to utility lines thereunder, or for any other purpose.
(Ord. 290(16-17). Passed 8-3-17.)