(a)   The following structures may be erected on or project into any required yard, except that they shall not obstruct a required driveway or pedestrian access:
      (1)   A fence or wall in conformance with this Title.
      (2)   Landscape elements, including trees, shrubs and other plants.
      (3)   Necessary appurtenances for utility service as long as they are attached to a permitted structure and do not protrude more than two (2) feet into a required setback.
   (b)   The structures listed below may project into a minimum front or rear yard not more than four (4) feet, and into a minimum side yard not more than two (2) feet, except that they may not obstruct a required driveway or pedestrian access:
      (1)   Cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses, or other similar architectural features.
      (2)   Stairways, balconies, door stoops, fire escapes, awnings.
      (3)   Planter boxes or masonry planters not exceeding twenty-four (24) inches in height.
      (4)   A covered entry or porch used for the protection of pedestrians entering or leaving a building, provided said structure is not more than one story in height and is entirely open on at least three (3) sides.
         (Ord. 141(12-13). Passed 10-3-12.)