(a)   The Commission will utilize the life experience of people with disabilities in planning for the entire community to improve the quality of life for all. The Commission’s goal is to complement, not duplicate existing services.
   (b)   The Commission will provide a means and place for people with disabilities to act on their own behalf and have a voice in local government so they may effectively impact the legislative process.
   (c)   The Commission will advocate for equal rights and fair policies.
   (d)   The Commission will assist both the public and private sectors in removing attitudinal, procedural, environmental, and architectural barriers in order to increase opportunities for all persons.
   (e)   The Commission will facilitate communication, understanding, and collaborative ventures between disability groups.
   (f)   The Commission will be an active participant in long range City planning.
(Ord. 128(04-05). Passed 1-6-05.)