159.02 MISSION.
   (a)   The mission of the Commission shall be to promote the inclusion and empowerment of people with disabilities within the Marietta community, and to advise the Mayor, the City Administration, and City Council on issues that impact people with disabilities. In particular, the Commission will play a key advisory role in the development of the City’s annual Access Marietta strategy for removing impediments and increasing accessibility for those with disabilities, striving to create a barrier-free environment. The Commission will recommend other actions that will enable citizens to participate in all aspects of community life in accordance with their abilities. The Commission will serve as a liaison between people with disabilities and Marietta City Council. Key areas of advocacy include enhancing employment and education opportunities, improving transportation, ensuring architectural accessibility, and raising awareness of the contributions people with disabilities make in the community.
   (b)   In furtherance of its mission the Commission shall:
      (1)   Provide a forum for community issues/activities affecting citizens with disabilities.
      (2)   React through study and recommendation to issues brought to the attention of the Commission by the Mayor, City Council, and the community.
      (3)   Foster public awareness and education of the needs and abilities of citizens with disabilities.
      (4)   Work with the Development Department on the development and implementation of fair housing and equal opportunity outreach programs.
         (Ord. 128(04-05). Passed 1-6-05.)