161.02 HOLIDAYS.
   (a)   The following days shall be recognized as legal holidays for all City officials and employees not otherwise provided for by contract or separate ordinance:
      (1)    New Year's Day
      (2)   Martin Luther King Day
      (3)   Lincoln's-Washington's Birthday (President's Day) (Third Monday in
      (4)   Memorial Day
      (5)   Juneteenth (June 19th)
      (6)    Independence Day
      (7)    Labor Day   
      (8)    Veteran's Day
      (9)    Thanksgiving Day
      (10)    The Day After Thanksgiving
      (11)    Christmas Day
      (12)   Floating Holiday - each employee shall be entitled to one floating holiday during each calendar year to be scheduled with the approval of the employee's appointing authority. Floating holidays may not be carried over from one year to the next.
   In the event that any of the aforesaid holidays should fall on Saturday, the Friday immediately preceding shall be observed as the holiday. In the event that any of the aforesaid holidays should fall on Sunday, the Monday immediately succeeding shall be observed as the holiday. (Ord. 243(20-21). Passed 8-19-21.)
   (b)   A holiday shall be a twenty-four hour calendar day from midnight to midnight.
(1957 Code Sec. 2-7.1)
   (c)   Holiday pay will be computed for the regular number of hours worked per day at the rate of pay in effect at the time. To be eligible for holiday pay, the employee must work his last scheduled work day prior to the holiday and his first scheduled work day after the holiday unless his failure to work is due to an excused absence caused by illness or death in the immediate family.
(1957 Code Sec. 2-7.1; Ord. 101(72-73). Passed 3-30-73.)
   (d)   Holiday pay for holidays worked may be administered in either of two ways at the discretion of the appropriate appointing authority.
(1)   If no compensatory time off is to be granted, the employee shall be paid at regular rates for actual time worked and receive holiday pay for the holiday as prescribed under subsection (c) hereof.
(2)   If compensatory time off is to be granted, the employee shall be paid at regular rates for actual time worked and receive holiday pay as prescribed under subsection (c) hereof in the form of compensatory time off. Compensatory time off shall be taken within thirty days of its accrual or lost, and is only available where the employee received prior approval of the appropriate appointing authority to work on the holiday in question.
(Ord. 13(86-87). Passed 2-20-86.)
   (e)   All City employees shall receive holiday pay for any holiday falling during such employee’s vacation period. In such case the employee shall be entitled to an extra day with pay.
   If a holiday occurs during a standard work week the holiday shall be considered as a day worked for purposes of computing employee overtime pay.
(Ord. 140(72-73). Passed 11-15-73.)