In addition to the requirements of any other ordinance, a use and occupancy permit shall be required prior to any of the following:
(a)   Use and occupancy of any building or other structure hereinafter erected or altered; except the erection or alteration of television receiving towers and amateur radio receiving and transmitting towers, not exceeding fifty feet in height measured from ground level;
(b)   Change in use of any building or structure;
(c)   Use of land or change in the use thereof; except that the placing of vacant land under cultivation shall not require a use and occupancy permit;
(d)   Change in use or extension of a nonconforming use; or
(e)   Change of ownership of any land or building.
   No person shall use or occupy any building or other structure or land until any required use and occupancy permit has been duly issued. Use and occupancy permits issued to commercial or industrial enterprises shall be posted on the premises for which they were issued and shall be available for inspection upon demand.
(Ord. 27 (92-93). Passed 4-16-92; Ord. 280(00-01). Passed 12-6-01.)