(a)   Minimum Lot Area and Width. The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to platted lots of record as of January 1, 1987.
   Newly platted lots shall have, for each principal use structure, a minimum lot area of 5,000 square feet and a minimum lot width of fifty feet of the building line for any use permitted in this district; provided that for principal use structures with multiple residence units there shall be a minimum lot area of 5,000 square feet or 2,000 square feet per residence unit, whichever is greater.
(Ord. 125(86-87). Passed 1-15-87.)
   (b)    Front Yard. There shall be a front yard on each lot which shall be not less than twenty feet in depth with twenty-five percent (25%) of the setback area to be landscaped and maintained as green space.
   (c)    Side Yards. 
(1)    On each interior lot, there shall be two side yards each having a minimum width of five feet.
(2)    On each corner lot, there shall be a side yard abutting the street having a width of not less than twenty feet and a side yard not abutting the street having a width of not less than five feet, except for accessory use structures which shall have a side yard abutting a street the average depth of the side yard for the principal use structure for which it serves and the front yard of the structure on the adjoining lot facing the side street.
(3)    On any lot, in any side yard not abutting the street, an accessory use structure may be erected and maintained within the rear quarter of the lot if not closer to the side lot line than four feet.
   (d)    Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard on each lot, the depth of which shall not be less than twenty feet, except that an accessory use structure may be erected within the rear yard not closer to the rear lot line than five feet.
   (e)    Building Coverage. Not more than forty-five percent (45%) of the area of any lot shall be occupied by buildings.
(Ord. 280(00-01). Passed 12-6-01.)