The following provisions shall be applicable to all permits granted under this chapter:
(a)    During the progress of the work such barriers shall be erected and maintained as may be necessary for the protection of the traveling public and the same shall be properly lighted at night. The permittee shall be responsible for all damages to persons or property due to or resulting from any work done under such permit.
(b)    Except as herein authorized, no excavation shall be made or obstacle placed within the limits of the street in such manner as to interfere unnecessarily with the travel over the road.
(c)    If any grading or sidewalk work done under such permit interferes with the drainage of the street in any way, such catch basins and outlets shall be constructed as may be necessary, in the opinion of the Director of Public Safety and Service, to take proper care of the drainage.
(d)    If the permittee does anything contrary to the orders of the Director and after due notice, fails to correct such work or to remove such structure or material as he may be ordered to remove, the City may, with or without notice, correct such work or remove such structures or material. The permittee shall reimburse the City for any expense incurred in correcting the work or removing the structure or materials.
(e)    All the work herein contemplated shall be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the City, and the entire expense thereof shall be borne by the permittee.
(f)   On the completion of the work herein contemplated all rubbish and debris shall be removed and the roadway and roadside shall be left neat and presentable and satisfactory to the Director.
(g)    The granting of such permit does not in any way abridge the right of the Director in his jurisdiction over the City streets. If, in the process of any future work or for the benefit of the traveling public, it becomes necessary, in the opinion of the Director to order the removal, reconstruction, relocation or repair of any of the fixtures or work performed under this permit, the removal, reconstruction, relocation or repair shall be wholly at the expense of the owners thereof, and be made as directed by the Director.
(h)    The right is reserved, during the time any or all the work is being performed, to appoint an inspector over the work, who shall represent the interests of the City in the work, and any compensation arranged for shall be paid wholly by the permittee.
(i)    All of the above conditions shall be applicable to the work herein authorized, unless the same are inconsistent with the conditions on the face of the permit, in which case the conditions written or printed on the face of the permit shall apply.
(j)    The acceptance of such permit or the doing of any work thereunder shall constitute an agreement, by the party or parties to whom the permit is granted, to comply with all of the conditions and restrictions printed or written therein.
(k)    Such permit may at any time, be revoked and annulled by the Director for nonperformance or noncompliance with any of the conditions, restrictions and regulations contained in this chapter.
(1957 Code §18-31)