The conditions relating to permits for the erection of poles, wires and overhead structures shall be as follows:
(a) In the erection of pole lines, unless otherwise provided herein, or by written consent of the Director of Public Safety and Service, the center of all poles shall be located not more than one foot inside the right of way of the street.
(b) No cutting or trimming of trees is authorized by such permit. In case it is found necessary to trim trees within the boundaries of the street, the least amount possible shall be done, and in all cases the consent of the abutting property owners must be secured before poles are set and trees trimmed.
(c) When the poles are side-guyed across the highway, the stub to which the guy is attached shall be located not more than one foot inside the right-of-way line. The vertical clearance between the guy and the edge of the pavement farthest from the pole being guyed shall be not less than fourteen feet.
(d) When "A" pole, "H" pole or brace pole construction is used, not more than one of the poles shall be set on the street right of way.
(e) All pole lines are to be built in accordance with Administrative Order No. 72 of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
(1957 Code §18-30)
(1957 Code §18-30)