(a) A private security company shall be any person, firm, corporation, or organization that as all or part of its business monitors alarms for its customers and then relays requests for response to those alarms to the Marietta Police or Fire Departments.
(Ord. 252(84-85). Passed 7-3-85.)
(b) Any customer of a private security company on whose behalf that private security company has reported more than two false alarms in a period of thirty consecutive days or more than three such false alarms in a period of 180 consecutive days shall be assessed at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for Police Department responses and fifty dollars ($50.00) for Fire Department responses for the third response within the thirty-day period and for the fourth response within the 180-day period.
(Ord. 112(96-97). Passed 10-17-96.)
(c) Any additional reported false alarms for that particular customer during the same time period indicated in subsection (b) hereof, shall be assessed at a rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each Police Department response and one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each Fire Department response.
(d) The Police Chief or Fire Chief shall be responsible for determining whether any reported alarm received by their Department was “true” or “false”. The determination shall be made in reliance upon the report of the individuals responding to such alarm, the statement of the private security company or its representatives or its customer and any other pertinent evidence or information concerning such alarm.
(e) If the Chief determines that the reported alarm was "false " he shall cause notice of such determination to be given the private security company and its customer who shall have ten days to protest such determination in writing. If no protest is registered within such time period, the Chief's determination shall be final.
(f) If the private security company or its customer protests the Chief's determination within ten days, then such Chief's determination shall be reviewed by a Review Board upon all pertinent evidence submitted by the private security company, its customer, the Chief's report and such other pertinent information available.
(g) The Review Board shall consist of:
(1) A representative of the Police Department.
(2) A representative of the Fire Department.
(3) A disinterested person selected by the alarm user.
(h) The Board shall affirm, modify or reverse the determination of the Chief. The determination by a majority vote of the Board members shall be final.
(Ord. 252 (84-85). Passed 7-3-85.)