(a)   Each taxicab operator shall do and perform or cause to be performed with respect to each vehicle operated as a taxicab in the City, the following:
(1)    Keep the interior and exterior in a clean and orderly condition;
(2)    Inspect each vehicle and its equipment at least once a week;
(3)    Make such repairs, alterations and cleaning as may be required to restore each vehicle to a safe, clean and orderly condition and not operate any vehicle until such repairs, alterations or cleaning are completed;
(4)    Provide a light within the passenger compartment and a heater in good working condition;
(5)    Provide a spare tire, capable of being used on any of the wheels of the vehicle; and
(6)    Provide a set of tools for changing tires.
   (b)    The taxicab operator shall upon demand present any licensed taxicab for an inspection as to cleanliness and safety by the Director of Public Safety and Service.
(Ord. 92(90-91). Passed 7-19-90.)