(a)   No driver or operator of any taxicab operated under a franchise or license granted by the City shall require a passenger to pay more than the amount recorded on the meter at the passenger’s point of destination or to pay a fare at a rate greater than the current rate established by Council.
   (b)   The rate of fare to be charged by all taxicabs operated under franchises granted by the City is hereby established as follows:
      (1)   Three dollars ($3.00) for the first one-tenth of a mile.
      (2)   Fifty cents ($.50) for each additional one-tenth of a mile or fraction thereof.
      (3)   Five dollars ($5.00) minimum charge for any fare; and, in addition thereto,
      (4)   One dollar ($1.00) per minute for each minute or fraction thereof spent waiting at the fare’s request at any stop between the point of pickup and the point of destination.
   (c)   The rate of fare to be charged by 59 Green Ltd., doing business as GreenCab during the six (6) month pilot program that will run from January 6, 2023, through and including July 7, 2023, is hereby established as follows:
      (1)   Three dollars ($3.00) for each one-way trip.
   (d)   The rate of fare established herein shall be inclusive of all state and local sales taxes levied pursuant to the provisions of Ohio Revised Code Chapter 5739.
(Ord. 271(22-23). Passed 6-15-23.)