No person shall operate any taxicab under a franchise or license granted by the City unless the same is equipped with a taximeter as hereinafter provided:
(a)    Such taximeter shall be installed in the front of the taxicab so that, at all times, it shall be plainly visible to and the fare readily ascertainable by all occupants of the taxicab. The face of the meter shall be properly illuminated after dark and at all times when illumination is required to render the reading on such meter visible;
(b)   The taximeter and the taximeter driving equipment shall be sealed so that the taximeter case, taximeter driving equipment or additional gear boxes, if any, cannot be disconnected without breaking a seal;
(c)   The responsibility for sealing the taximeter and appurtenant equipment and for maintaining such seals intact while the taxicab is in operation lies with the person to whom a franchise or license to operate such taxicab has been granted by the City;
(d)   It shall be the responsibility of any person operating a taxicab under a franchise or license granted by the City to cause the taximeters to be so regulated that the fare shall be calculated and registered in accordance with the current tariff rates established by ordinance of Council;
(e)   The taximeter shall be in operation during the entire time the taxicab is engaged by the passenger;
(f)   Taximeters shall be inspected by the City in order to assure their proper operation. Such inspection shall be made periodically at the request of the Director of Public Safety and Service by qualified persons designated by him.
(Ord. 92(90-91). Passed 7-19-90.)