(a)    Any taxicab driver who shall be convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of violating any of the provisions of the ordinances of the City or the laws of the State relating to motor vehicles, their operation or equipment, or who is convicted of a misdemeanor committed while he is in charge of a taxicab, shall be subject, in addition to other penalties prescribed by law, for such violation, to the suspension of his license for a period of thirty days. The trial judge may order such suspension and upon so doing shall take from such licensee his license and forward them to the Director of Public Safety and Service who shall note upon the license and upon his record the fact of such suspension. At the end of thirty days the license shall be restored to the licensee, upon his application therefor within three days from the expiration of the thirty-day period. Upon a subsequent conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction of the commission of a misdemeanor while in charge of a taxicab, or in case of the commission of any felony, by any taxicab driver, the trial judge, in addition to other penalties prescribed for such violation, may permanently revoke such taxicab driver's license, and no license shall again be issued to such driver. The trial judge, in such case, shall take from the taxicab driver his license and the same shall be forwarded forthwith to the Director of Public Safety and Service for cancellation.
   (b)    The Director, after notice and hearing, may temporarily suspend or permanently revoke the taxicab driver's license of any licensed driver for any of the following reasons:
(1)    The licensee has obtained a license by any false statement in his application;
(2)    The licensee has become physically or mentally incapable of operating a taxicab; or
(3)    The licensee has been convicted of an offense demonstrating his loss of good moral character.
(Ord. 92(90-91). Passed 7-19-90.)