General Provisions
32.01 Members of the legislative authority; election; terms of office
32.02 President Pro Tempore; employees
32.03 Vacancy when President Pro Tempore becomes Mayor
32.04 Qualifications of members of the legislative authority
32.05 Compensation and bonds of municipal officers and employees
32.06 Vacancy
32.07 Judge of election and qualification of members; quorum and special meetings
32.08 Rules; journal; expulsion of members
32.09 Meetings
32.10 General powers
32.11 Failure to take oath or give bond
32.12 Notice when new bond required
32.13 Rules of Council
Contracts, Bids and Proceedings
32.25 Contracts by the legislative authority or Administrator
32.26 Bids and proceedings
32.27 Alterations or modifications of contract
32.28 Contract restrictions
32.29 Award to lowest responsive and responsible bidder
Statutory reference:
Initiative and referendum, see R.C. §§ 731.28 et seq.
Ordinances and resolutions, adoption and publication, see R.C. §§ 731.17 through 731.27
Village accounting and financial reporting, State Auditor administrative regulations, see O.A.C. Ch. 117-9