(A)   No person shall knowingly violate any provision of the State Fire Code or any order made pursuant to it.
   (B)   Except as a violation of R.C. § 2923.17, regarding the felonies of unlawful possession of a dangerous ordnance and illegal manufacture or processing of explosives, involves subject matter covered by the State Fire Code, whoever violates division (A) above is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
   (C)   (1)   Nothing contained in this section shall in any way modify the provisions of the State Fire Code, except as expressly set form herein.
      (2)   (a)   The storage and use of electric grills is permitted on balconies of multi-family units, provided, the grills are inspected and approved by the Fire Department for the village. For purposes of this section, a MULTI-FAMILY UNIT shall be defined as when multiple separate units for dwellings are located within one or several buildings within a complex.
         (b)   A few examples of multi-family housing are duplexes, town homes, condominiums, and apartments.
      (3)   The use of open flame grills of any size, whether gas or charcoal is not permitted on the balconies, porches, or patios of multi-unit structures, unless the grill is permanently installed with a natural gas line and the unit is equipped with a sprinkler system. In addition, the balcony must have a mounted fire extinguisher.
      (4)   The storage of gas or charcoal grills and their related fuels is not permitted in multi-dwelling structures, either on balconies or in the building itself.
      (5)   No outdoor fire pits of any kind are permitted on the balconies or porches of multi-unit structures. Outdoor fire pits are permitted on first floor patios, provided said fire pits are at least ten feet away from the premises.
      (6)   This division (C) shall go into effect at the earliest date allowed by law.
(2000 Code, § 91.36) (Ord. O-2-13, passed 1-14-2012; Ord. O-31-20, passed 12-21-2020)
Statutory reference:
   Fire Code violations, see R.C. §§ 3737.41 et seq.
   State Fire Code, see O.A.C. Ch. 1301:7-7