Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
3-1944 | 9-11-1944 | Vacation of Alexander Road from a point where the Lakeside & Marblehead Railraod track crosses Alexander Road |
4-1945 | 10-8-1945 | Vacation of a part of Harsch Road from the intersection of Harsch Road with Main Street |
5-1945 | 12-10-1945 | Vacation of a part of Harsch Road which extends northwesterly through Gilbert Street and through Block Number 3 in Biro Subdivision |
20, 1998 | 9-10-1998 | Vacation of a portion of Gilbert Street from Elliot Street to the railroad |
28, 2001 | 12-13-2001 | Vacation of a portion of an alley in John H. James Subdivision “B” adjoining Subdivision Lot Nos. 30 through 37 |
30-05 | 10-13-2005 | Vacation of 230.72 feet of Gilbert Street from its intersection with the north line of Elliot Street to its termination at the south line of the railroad right-of-way |
6, 2016 | 7-18-2016 | Vacating an alley between Prairie Street and Church Street |