(A) Streets. All publicly dedicated streets shall have centerline controls established at all deflection points, intersections and cul-de-sac centers. Monumentation to consist of 1 inch by 30 inch iron rod punched set in a 12 inch by 12 inch by 30 inch concrete base set one-fourth inch below finish pavement. This monumentation shall be set after final paving is complete.
(B) Lots. On lots, iron monuments one-half inch in diameter minimum and 30 inches long with appropriate identification caps shall be placed on all lot corners and at all points on property lines where there is a change in direction.
(C) Plat corners. On plat corners, stone or concrete reference monuments or iron pins set in concrete shall be used. These monuments shall be a minimum of six inches by 30 inches with suitable counterpoint and ferro-magnetic centers.
(D) Surveyor certification. A registered surveyor shall certify the installation of iron pins, stone monuments and monument boxes.
(E) Grading considerations. Where grading considerations or other circumstances prohibit the placement of either lot or street monuments prior to the approval of the final plat, the subdivider shall ensure their placement with a performance guarantee as provided for in §§ 153.136 and 153.137 herein.
(F) Approved plats. For approved plats, all street improvements must be completed, inspected, approved and maintained for a period of one year before the street will be accepted as a public street. Inspection fees may be required.
(G) Permanent site bench mark. At least one permanent site bench mark shall be established with description and elevation placed on the improvement plans. Elevations are to be based on U.S.G.S. datum. Written certification of the registered surveyor shall be submitted certifying the required monuments and pins are in place prior to requesting signatures on the final plat.
(Ord. 18, 2001, passed 6-14-2001) Penalty, see § 153.999