(A)   The responsible officials are the County Board of Health, the county sanitary engineer, the Board of County Commissioners, sewer district boards, and the Commission and the responsible state agency is the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
   (B)   All existing requirements and regulations, future requirements and regulations, and/or revisions of requirements and regulations of the County Board of Health and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency shall be complied with regarding installation of septic tanks, sewage tanks, sewage treatment systems, group sanitary sewage disposal plants and sanitary sewer systems.
   (C)   Where an adequate public sanitary sewer system is reasonably available, public sanitary sewers shall be installed to adequately serve all lots including lateral connections to the public system.
   (D)   If a public sanitary sewer system is not available, the connection to an available future system (as determined by the County Board of Health, and/or county sanitary engineer) shall be guaranteed, in writing, on the final plat before approval is granted.
(Ord. 18, 2001, passed 6-14-2001)