The following regulations shall govern the design and layout of lots.
(A) The lot arrangement and design shall be such that all lots will provide satisfactory building sites, properly related to topography and the character of surrounding development.
(B) All lots shall conform to or exceed the requirements of these regulations and the requirements of the Marblehead Zoning Chapter or the Danbury Township Zoning Resolution where applicable.
(C) Each lot shall front on, be contiguous to, or border on a public or approved private street.
(D) All side lot lines should be straight lines and should be at right angles to street lines or radial on curved street lines except where the Commission determines that a variation would benefit the public interest.
(E) Lots with double frontage shall be avoided except where the Commission determines that it is essential to overcome specific topographical disadvantages and orientation and location problem due to existing street.
(F) No corner lot shall have a width, measured at the required front setback line, of less than 75 feet.
(G) Lots fronting on a street upon which no other lots face should be avoided. No rear lot line should border adjacent side lot lines. Where the rear lot lines of a subdivision border a thoroughfare, the Commission may require a screen planting contained in a nonaccess easement or reservation along the road.
(H) No lot shall have an average depth which is more than five times its average width.
(Ord. 18, 2001, passed 6-14-2001) Penalty, see § 153.999