(A)   The subdivider should submit to the Commission and appropriate agencies a sketch plan.
   (B)   The following information shall be discussed at the preapplication conference:
      (1)   The proposed subdivision in relation to existing community facilities, thoroughfares, manufacturing establishments, residential developments, and existing natural and manmade features (such as soil types, vegetation, floodprone areas and utilities in neighboring areas);
      (2)   The layout and acreage of streets and any nonresidential sites, such as commercial, industrial, educational, or recreational uses within the proposed subdivision;
      (3)   (a)   The proposed location of utilities in the subdivision, if available, or the locations of the nearest sources of water and public facilities for the disposal of sewage and stormwater.
         (b)   In areas where utilities are not available, the proposed method of providing these facilities shall be stated and outlined;
      (4)   The title and scale of the subdivision, a north arrow, and the date; and
      (5)   The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the owner(s); developer(s); and technician(s) preparing the plan.
(Ord. 18, 2001, passed 6-14-2001)