Application # ___________________
Application for Administrative Approval
(Subdivisions of four lots or less)
Regulated by the Ohio R.C. 711.131
Note: Three copies of this application complete with the information required below must be filed with the Marblehead Planning Commission. The applications shall be filed with the Marblehead Planning Commission at its regularly scheduled meeting and they will be assigned a file number and then forwarded to the Board of Public Affairs for their approval. Separate application shall be made for each lot subdivided. One copy of the application, together with the action taken by the Marblehead Planning Commission will be returned to the applicant or his or her agent.
   Applications will not be accepted by the Marblehead Planning Commission unless all information is complete and provided in triplicate. A fee, as determined by the Council, shall accompany the application.
Name of Applicant or Agent__________________________ Telephone_____________________
Address___________________________________ City_________________________________
Name of Grantor___________________________________ Telephone_____________________
Address___________________________________ City_________________________________
Name of Grantee____________________________________
Address___________________________________ City_________________________________
Section___________________________ Size of Parcel__________________________________
1.   Description: Attach separate sheet with legal description per copy.
2.   Sketch: A sketch shall be attached to each copy showing:
      (a)   Proposed division of land;
      (b)   Owners of parcel and adjoining parcels;
      (c)   Dimension and location of proposed lot lines;
      (d)   Existing structures, easements, public facilities, setbacks and direction of drainage; and
      (e)   The front, side and rear yard setbacks.
Important: Administrative approval is provided for convenience. It does not, in any way relieve the applicant of meeting all Marblehead Subdivision Regulation Requirements.
3.   Existing Structure      Yes_____________________ No______________________
4.   Address Assigned to Structure:_________________________________________________
5.   Public Water   Yes_______No_______   Public Sewer   Yes________No__________
Action by Board of Public Affairs
Date Received__________________________ Date Reviewed___________________________
Board of Public Affairs or Designee
Action by Planning Commission
Date Received_________________________Date Reviewed_____________________________
Zoning_________ Minimum Lot Width _______________Minimum Lot Area______________
Subject to Flood________________________ Other Comments__________________________
Planning Commission Designee
(Ord. 18, 2001, passed 6-14-2001)